Dales Water News

3May 2013

New Borehole Drilling Video

May 3rd, 2013|Drilling Equipment, News, Videos|

Here's some recent footage of a borehole drilling project we worked on along with a few pictures taken from the drilling site. What does the video show? In the clip above our drilling rig has [...]

22Apr 2013

The Benefits of Having Your Own Private Water Supply

April 22nd, 2013|Borehole Information, News|

Have you ever thought about the benefits of having your own private water supply? Our handy little graphic gives you an overview of why tapping into borehole water can benefit you as homeowner or your [...]

21Mar 2013

Borehole Maintenance: Keeping Your Water Supply Running all Year Round

March 21st, 2013|Borehole Information, News|

If you rely on a borehole water supply either for domestic or commercial use then keeping it maintained is extremely important. With regular borehole maintenance check-ups you can not only extend the working life of [...]

13Mar 2013

Legionella Bacteria in Water Supplies

March 13th, 2013|News, Water Well Advice|

Legionella bacteria was in the news quite frequently last year, see the recent BBC articles here on their website so we'd thought we'd take a quick look at the bacteria itself, why it's dangerous and [...]

11Mar 2013

Who Can Benefit from a Private Water Supply?

March 11th, 2013|Borehole Information, News, Water Well Advice|

A lot of businesses and homeowners think they have to rely on a mains water company to provide their properties or factories with running water. They don’t. Anyone is entitled to drill a borehole / [...]

7Mar 2013

What is an Artesian Well?

March 7th, 2013|Borehole Information, Hydrogeology, News|

When researching a borehole for your property or business you might have come across the term Artesian Well, but what does it actually mean and how is it different? Firstly, artesian groundwater is the same [...]

5Mar 2013

Decommissioning Boreholes

March 5th, 2013|Borehole Information, News|

Here at Dales Water we recently worked on the decommissioning of a borehole dating back to the 1960’s that had fallen out of use and was no longer required. It’s always nice to see old [...]

20Feb 2013

The Importance of Proper Private Water Supply Maintenance

February 20th, 2013|News, Water Well Advice|

Ensuring that you’re private water supply is well maintained is one of the most important aspects for keeping your water infrastructure running smoothly. There’s no point spending good money on a borehole and pump installation [...]

16Jan 2013

Nice old boreholes

January 16th, 2013|Borehole Information|

Sometimes in our job you see some nice old pieces of infrastructure. We recently saw just such an example of an old borehole that we were being asked to decommission properly in accordance with environmental [...]

15Jan 2013

Boreholes and Confined Spaces

January 15th, 2013|Borehole Information, News|

A confined space is a place which is substantially enclosed (though not always entirely), and where serious injury can occur from hazardous substances or conditions within the space or nearby (e.g. lack of oxygen). - [...]